Customized Club Forms and Certificates: On the account page of all subscribing clubs are links to 2 files of FORMS THAT HAVE THE CLUB'S NAME PRINTED on each page. The forms include award certificates, scoring and analysis sheets, pairing forms, announcement signs, sign-up sheets, and items for promoting scholastic chess. IN ADDITION TO THESE FORMS, also see the message box below item #44. There you'll find details about how to request a form that has not only your club's name, but information about your meeting times, contact info, and specific characteristics of your club. 23 pages. Approximately 775K in 2 files. Last modified January 17, 2004. Skill Levels: All Skill Areas: General |
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1 | Item #1: Practice Scoresheets that have the added feature of including moves and diagrams from 20 miniature (short) games. Information about chess notation is provided, as well as suggestions about use. 22 pages. Approximately 350K. Last modified December 15, 2001. Skill Levels: All Skill Areas: Notation, Tactics, Strategy |
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2 | Item #2: Chess Tips -- a one-page summary of general principles behind strong chess playing. 1 page. Approximately 70K. Last modified December 15, 2001. Skill Levels: 0-1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Strategy |
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3 | Item #3: Homework Set A -- here are 16 pages of exercises to help players practice critical chess skills. The material is designed to challenge players from beginning through advanced -- players can select the level of difficulty that's best for them. Solutions are NOT included. 17 pages. Approximately 170K. Last modified September 14, 2003. Skill Levels: 0-1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Notation, Captures and Checks, Tactics, Visualizing/Calculating, Chess Culture |
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4 | Item #4: Smart Score Sheet -- Form A These score sheets provide guidance to beginning and intermediate players as they learn to notate their games. They present yes/no questions dealing with 25 ideas behind strong chess strategy. This scoresheet is intended to be copied double-sided and folded in thirds (Z-fold). Also see Item #15 -- a booklet designed to accompany these sheets! 2 pages. Approximately 90K. Last modified November 25, 2001. Skill Levels: 0-1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Notation, Strategy |
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5 | Item #5: KINGO! This activity can be very helpful for reinforcing the ideas behind strong opening moves. Moves which accomplish one of the listed goals for opening play can be marked on a BINGO type card. The activity also helps to encourage use of notation. 34 pages. Approximately 660K. Last modified December 15, 2001. Skill Levels:0-1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Notation, Strategy |
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6 | Item #6: Club Tournament Pairing Forms Here are two forms which can be used to post pairings at club or training tournaments. One form is plain and simple. The other's a little fancier and has room to write required openings (when all players begin their games with the same early moves) and allow for handicapping players. 3 pages. Approximately 60K. Last modified December 15, 2001. Skill Levels: 0-1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Chess Culture |
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7 | Item #7: A Basic Chess Score Sheet Plain and simple. This score sheet fills a letter-size sheet. 1 page. Approximately 35K. Last modified December 16, 2001. Skill Levels: All Skill Areas: Notation, Analyzing Games |
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8 | Item #8: Transparency Master Sheets For Introducing Level 1 Books From USCF Press These sheets are intended primarily for chess instructors who are introducing groups of students to the Level 1 items. Sample pages from each book are included. These sheets can be copied onto transparencies for overhead projection. 20 pages. Approximately 485K. Last modified January 6, 2002. Skill Levels: 0-1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Rules, Notation, Captures and Checks, Tactics, Strategy, Giving Checkmate, Visualizing/Calculating |
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9 | Item #9: Find Morphy's Motives! In this set of exercises, players view all of Morphy's moves from seven exciting games. After studying each move, students try to match the move to a possible motive. Excellent for developing tactical and positional awareness. Solutions to all problems are provided -- to those who decode the hidden location given on the last page! 77 pages. Approximately 290K. Last modified August 31, 2002. Skill Levels: 0-1- 2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Tactics, Strategy, Giving Checkmate |
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10 | Item #10: King Gustafon's Speech to His Troops Here's a one page reprint of what King Gustafon had to say to his soldiers early in their first battle with the White Army. Chess coaches have requested copies of this speech to use as an instruction and discussion tool when reviewing opening strategy. 1 page. Approximately 60K. Last modified July 25, 2002. Skill Levels: General interest. Concepts for levels 1-3. Skill Areas: Strategy, Tactics |
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11 | Item #11: Key Checkmate and Stalemate Patterns 64 diagrams that students must analyze to determine if there is checkmate, stalemate, or neither. Excellent practice for learning key patterns and for increasing understanding of how various pieces can work together. 5 pages. Approximately 175K. Last modified August 18, 2002. Skill Levels: 0-1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Rules, Giving Checkmate |
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12 | Item #12: Visualization Exercises for Checkmate An interesting and challenging set of problems to help develop a student's ability to imagine positions on the board. 3 pages. Approximately 80K. Last modified August 18, 2002. Skill Levels: 0-1- 2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Visualizing, Giving Checkmate |
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13 | Item #13: Chess Meets Hangman! Here's a set of exercises for over-the-board practice at forcing or defending against checkmate when one side has a large advantage. Problems are organized by material left on the board (e.g., king and queen versus king, king and passed pawn versus king). 25 pages. Approximately 535K. Last modified August 18, 2002. Skill Levels: 0-1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Giving Checkmate, Strategy, Tactics, Notation |
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14 | Item #14: After 1. e4! This reference tool gives move-by-move diagrams for 30 king-pawn openings. Twenty diagrams (10 for each side) are provided for each opening. The moves for Black are shown from Black's perspective, with Black at the bottom. 40 pages. Approximately 200K. Last modified September 8, 2002. Skill Levels:0-1-2-3-4- 5-6 Skill Areas: Strategy, Tactics, Chess Culture |
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15 | Item #15: Review of Chess Strategy -- Booklet for Smart Score Sheets, Form A Use this easy-to-follow guide to chess strategy as a separate item or with Item #4. This booklet reviews the smart part of Smart Score Sheets. It discusses each of the 25 ideas raised for strong chess on Form A of the Smart Score Sheet series. 27 pages. Approximately 635K. Last modified October 1, 2002. Skill Levels: 0-1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Notation, Strategy |
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16 | Item #16: Post-Game Study Guide A single-page questionnaire that helps beginning-to-intermediate players analyze their chess games. 1 page. Approximately 50K. Last modified November 10, 2002. Skill Levels:0-1- 2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Strategy, Tactics, Notation |
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17 | Item #17: Skittles -- A simple, popular exercise for improving visualization skills, and for learning to pay close attention to the relationships between the pieces on the board. Students play modified blindfolded chess by moving cards that have the chessmen printed on the UNDERSIDE. Diagrams are included for begining play from endgame positions. 5 pages. Approximately 140K. Last modified March 9, 2003. Skill Levels:0-1-2- 3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Visualizing and Calculating |
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18 | Item #18: Tombstone -- 40 exercises that challenge students to visualize sequences of moves made by top-level players. Players try to mentally keep track of the changes on the board as White and Black each make 9 moves! By trying to understand the relationships between the chessmen and the strategies of White and Black, students can make huge progress in their ability to imagine and calculate sequences of moves. 28 pages. Approximately 1.4 MB. Last modified January 1, 2003. Skill Levels:0-1-2-3- 4-5-6 Skill Areas: Visualizing and Calculating, Tactics |
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19 | Item #19: Whodunnit? -- Large chess diagrams give students many chances to see how every chessman on the board -- those on the winning side and those on the losing side -- can have a role in a checkmate. Many key chess ideas are worked into these problems, making them good starting points for study or discussion. 27 pages. Approximately 210K. Last modified February 1, 2003. Skill Levels:0- 1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Checkmating patterns, Tactics (e.g., how pins are used in games) |
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20 | Item #20: Is There Any Escape? -- This book helps players develop their skills at looking at the WHOLE board, and recognizing the essential parts of checkmate and stalemate patterns. 27 pages. Approximately 195K. Last modified February 1, 2003. Skill Levels:0- 1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Checkmating patterns, finding moves |
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21 | Item #21: The Chess S.W.A.T. Team -- presents 60 over-sized diagrams that help give players a solid grasp of critical chess concepts: check, checkmate, stalemate, pins, forks, and skewers. Diagrams are large enough that beginners can place actual pieces on the pages to form patterns. 81 pages. Approximately 780K. Last modified February 1, 2003. Skill Levels:0- 1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Tactical awareness, visualizing positions, checkmating patterns |
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22 | Item #22: Chess 911 -- Like emergency dispatchers, players learn to work through crisis situations in a calm, level-headed, systematic way. Players learn to identify ALL their immediate options when in check. 26 pages. Approximately 680K. Last modified February 1, 2003. Skill Levels:0- 1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Finding moves, tactical awareness, basic notation |
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23 | Item #23: Unmask the Impostor! -- presents a dozen cases of classic chess fraud. Players must use their expertise about opening strategy to solve these cases. The solutions in this book were provided by the amazing Light Teal chess computer. 22 pages. Approximately 245K. Last modified February 1, 2003. Skill Levels:0- 1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Positional play, tactical awareness |
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24 | Item #24: Twenty Questions! (Homework Set B) Exercises for forming solid habits for scanning the board for critical information in opening positions. Practice makes permanent, and these pages provide A LOT of practice. Students probe 100 positions from tournament play -- 60 problems require the reader to create and hold 1 to 3 moves from the shown position. Solutions are NOT included. 106 pages. Approximately 650K. Last modified February 8, 2003. Skill Levels:0-1-2-3- 4-5-6 Skill Areas: Positional play, finding moves, visualizing and calculating |
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25 | Item #25: Predator Team Flags This file includes an idea sheet plus material to make six double-sided flags (6 different flags, 6 flags per page). These can be used to increase team spirit and to slip in some indirect coaching, via the tips on the back sides of the flags. 13 pages. Approximately 415KB. Last modified October 5, 2003. Skill Levels: All Skill Areas: General use |
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26 | Item #26: Champion Team Cards This item goes naturally with the previous one, Team Flags. These cards can be given to all members of the team which earns the most points during games at scholastic club meetings. 2 pages. Approximately 60K. Last modified March 9, 2003. Skill Levels: All Skill Areas: General use |
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27 | Item #27: Crimes and Punishments -- guides students through a study of errors commonly made during the opening moves of games. Students study large diagrams of opening positions, preparing to answer tough questions about King Safety, Center Control, Likely Targets, The Knights and Bishops, Firepower, and Placement of the Pawns. The final challenge is to spot weaknesses, and to find appropriate penalties. 24 pages. Approximately 250K. Last modified March 9, 2003. Skill Levels:0-1-2- 3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Tactics, Spotting Captures and Checks, Visualizing and Calculating, Finding Moves |
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28 | Item #28: Veni, Vidi, Vici! -- the chess diagrams in this book are super-sized to enable beginners to place actual chess pieces on the pages! These exercises are NOT just for beginners, though. Professional chess coaches have said their own visualization skills have improved through using this material! The focus of the exercises is on creating checkmate and stalemate patterns. 84 pages. Approximately 320K. Last modified September 14, 2003. Skill Levels:0- 1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Visualization, Spotting Captures and Checks, Tactical Awareness |
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29 | Item #29: Computer Challenge Score Sheet This is a training score sheet designed to help players practice looking ahead. It's for playing against a computerized chess game that's set to play at a level above a student's usual strength. Players must pause before they make each move to predict how they think the computer will respond. They must write down the 3 replies that they think they're most likely to face. AND, next to each prediction they must write how they think they would respond in turn to each of these potential computer moves. As an added incentive, students receive points when they correctly predict what the computer will do. 1 page. Approximately 75K. Last modified October 5, 2003. Skill Levels: All; minimal chess knowledge needed Skill Areas: Visualization, planning ahead, finding moves, humility |
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30 | Item #30: Time Tracker Score Sheet Time management skills are emphasized on these score sheets. After each move, the player records how much time is left on his clock. Space is provided to later write how much time was spent on each move. This can be used to help players effectively pace themselves and make the best use of their available time. 1 page. Approximately 55K. Last modified October 5, 2003. Skill Levels:0-1-2- 3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Clock Management. |
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31 | Item #31: And Then There Were None! A 16 page set of exercises to guide students step-by-step through the techniques necessary to FORCE checkmate when using a king and queen against a lone king. The skills covered by this material are critical to the development of all chess players. While this item can be used very early in chess instruction, it also can provide valuable practice for players in the early-intermediate stage. 16 pages. Approximately 1MB. Last modified November 29, 2003. Skill Levels:0-1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Forcing checkmate with king and queen vs. lone king |
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32 | Item #32: Puzzler Page K72 Here's a quick challenge for the more advanced students looking for some problems of their own while the beginners work on And Then There Were None! or other exercises. Fairly challenging chess-based problems that require a lot of visualizing and calculating. 1 page. Approximately 150K. Last modified November 29, 2003. Skill Levels:0-1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Visualizing, calculating |
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33 | Item #33: Chess Blitz III Chess Blitz III is terrific for group as well as individual practice. This version for downloading is formatted to accomodate use at club meetings. Dividing students into groups for a quiz game is a great warm-up activity. (Include triple-point rounds with NO chess boards visible!) 53 pages. Approximately 500K. Last modified November 29, 2003. Skill Levels:0-1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Visualizing, calculating, seeing captures and checks, tactics (especially involving knight moves) |
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34 | Item #34: Where Was ...? -- 40 exercises that require students to analyze diagrammed positions and identify where a certain chessman must be placed in order for there to be checkmate. Sounds simple enough ... but it turns out there are quite a few subtle twists! Sometimes the chessman must be positioned to put the enemy king in check. Sometimes a defender needs to be pinned. Or the attacking man needs to be defended from the enemy king. Or must attack a possible escape square. Sometimes a possible escape route for the losing king needs to be blocked by a teammate; sometimes it's the losing king which needs to be located on the board!. 24 pages. Approximately 360K. Last modified March 23, 2004. Skill Levels:0-1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Checkmating patterns, tactical awareness, visualizing positions |
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35 | Item #35: Forms for Correspondence Chess Players A tip of the hat to two members of Stan's NetChess, Savin and Jenn, who contributed suggestions that improved these 5 forms designed especially for fans of correspondence chess. The forms include score sheets that enable players to keep track of positions, plans, and time. 7 pages. Approximately 375KB. Last modified May 22, 2004. Skill Levels:0-1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Strategic planning, tactical analysis |
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36 | Item #36: Move Analysis Form (Smart Score Sheet B) -- This special training score sheet is for chess players who already have a solid understanding of basic strategy -- such as developing quickly, fighting for the center, and paying close attention to king safety. Students using these strategic ideas and consciously working on tactical sequences may find these forms to be very helpful in giving structure to analyses of their games and the games of other players. The score sheets include spaces to mark the use of 11 critical ideas for positional play and 11 key tactical motifs. There is also a place to graph a student's overall assessment of a position after reviewing it for imbalances. Tips for using the form are included. 6 pages. Approximately 270KB. Last modified May 22, 2004. Skill Levels:0-1-2-3- 4-5-6 Skill Areas: Strategic planning, tactical analysis, evaluating positions |
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37 | Item #37: Poor, Poor Ralphie! -- Students are asked to mentally reconstruct chess positions that have been partially destroyed by one of Ralphie's ongoing misadventures. These are visualization exercises of intermediate difficulty. Awareness of immediately possible captures and checks is stressed. Students are exposed to information about common chess openings, provided to satisfy and encourage curiosity -- not as material expected to be practical at this level. Solutions are provided. 20 pages. Approximately 1.02MB. Last modified June 16, 2004. Skill Levels:0-1- 2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Visualization, spotting captures and checks, exposure to standard opening lines |
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38 | Item #38: Puzzler Page R5 More exercises based on positions from games played by the determined but incredibly unlucky Ralphie. This time he's trying to defeat an intimidating chess computer program. Five types of common tactical blunders are demonstrated. 2 pages. Approximately 220KB. Last modified May 30, 2004. Skill Levels:0-1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Tactical awareness |
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39 | Item #39: Tour of Chess Quotes Designed primarily to be a chess-themed mental refuge for parents waiting for their kids on tournament days -- but also fun for fans of chess and word games. Fifteen pages of memorable chess quotes, each one scrambled over the 64 squares of a chess diagram. The quotes can be unravelled letter-by-letter through a knight's tour of the board. Upon request, these forms will be customized for free with information about chess clubs -- SEE THE MESSAGE BOX FOLLOWING ITEM #44 FOR DETAILS. 15 pages. Approximately 280K. Last modified September 11, 2004. Skill Levels: All Skill Areas: Knight's tour, chess wisdom |
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40 | Item #40: Chess Meets Scrabble Puzzles that combine word searches and knight moves. Each square on a chess diagram holds a letter and a number -- just like on a Scrabble® tile. The goal is to create words worth as many points as possible by connecting letters through knight moves. Upon request, these forms will be customized for free with information about chess clubs -- SEE THE MESSAGE BOX FOLLOWING ITEM #44 FOR DETAILS. 5 pages. Approximately 165K. Last modified September 8, 2004. Skill Levels: All Skill Areas: Knight's tour, chess wisdom |
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41 | Item #41: Tour of Chess Champions One more set of puzzles that can help to entertain and engage parents at scholastic tournaments. In this set, the names of World Chess Champions are hidden on chess diagrams, and can be uncovered by making a knight's tour of the board. A different closed (circular) knight's tour is demonstrated through each puzzle. Upon request, these forms will be customized for free with information about chess clubs -- SEE THE MESSAGE BOX FOLLOWING ITEM #44 FOR DETAILS. 5 pages. Approximately 150K. Last modified September 8, 2004. Skill Levels: All Skill Areas: Knight's tour, exposure to names of World Chess Champions |
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42 | Item #42: Message Decoding Using Notation (Novice) By applying basic knowledge about standard alpha-numeric names for squares on chess diagrams, players can solve coded messages that give tips about tournament play. Upon request, these forms will be customized for free with information about chess clubs -- SEE THE MESSAGE BOX FOLLOWING ITEM #44 FOR DETAILS. 3 pages. Approximately 125K. Last modified September 8, 2004. Skill Levels: All Skill Areas: General |
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43 | Item #43: Message Decoding Using Notation (Intermediate) Same as the item immediately above, except players must be able to use alphanumeric coordinates from Black's perspective and without files and ranks being labelled. The hidden messages are more advanced. Upon request, these forms will be customized for free with information about chess clubs -- SEE THE MESSAGE BOX FOLLOWING ITEM #44 FOR DETAILS. 3 pages. Approximately 155K. Last modified September 8, 2004. Skill Levels: For students familiar with use of alphanumeric coding. Skill Areas: General |
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44 | Item #44: Wrong Wrong With This Chess Position? Aimed at beginners, these puzzles draw attention to common rule violations made by beginners -- setting the board up incorrectly, illegal moves, notation irregularities. Upon request, these forms will be customized for free with information about chess clubs -- SEE THE MESSAGE BOX BELOW FOR DETAILS. 3 pages. Approximately 110K. Last modified September 8, 2004. Skill Levels: 0-1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Chess rules and notation |
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Customized Cover Sheets for Tournament Puzzlers: These forms provide a way for clubs to advertise themselves and to collect names and addresses for building contact lists. The forms are designed especially for use at club events that include non-members, such as tournaments. They are intended to be used with pages from Items 39 thru 44 to create double sided sheets that can be folded once to create pamphlet style handouts. Clubs send the information that they wish to have included on these cover sheets, and Prof. Chester Nuhmentz handles the formatting work. Users choose between having their club information in outline or narrative form. Each style has one page that can be used if the club is offering a contest or drawing, and one page that does not request player information. 2 pages, with a choice between two styles. Clubs have a choice of using their own logos on these forms or a ready-made logo. These forms are free for subscribing clubs. Allow 2 weeks for forms to be customized. |
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45 | Item #45: King Houdini -- This is a relatively large file that includes 70 diagrammed problems which focus attention on finding EVERY possible escape from a check. Over and over, students are guided through a systematic way of looking at the board at a level beyond that provided in Chess 9-1-1 (Item #22). A dozen additional frames provide introductory info about the World Chess Champions going back to Paul Morphy. Solutions are provided. 20 pages. Approximately 1.25 MB. Last modified September 3, 2004. Skill Levels:0-1-2-3-4-5-6 Skill Areas: Finding moves, tactical awareness, basic notation |
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These items are not to be sold or re-published. They are intended only for personal, classroom, or chess club use. Modifications of the material should be made only with the author's written permission. | Adobe Acrobat Reader should be used to print the material after downloading. To download a free copy of Acrobat Reader from the Adobe site, click here. |